Sitemap - 2024 - Sundman figures it out!
How I destroyed the New Economy: a special Thanksgiving resend!
Report from Gymnasium Pandemica
Surfing the Cataclysmic Technopotheistic AI-Turbocharged World-Fascist Tsunami
When the heavens opened over Fanaye. A rain song meditation.
Toxoplasmosis, my Pazuzu. Part 2
Toxoplasmosis, my Pazuzu. Part one
Podcast announcement & grab bag
I created Peter Thiel, who gave us JD Vance. Sorry about that.
I ain't never even liked it yet
I still ain't even liked it yet
A lone figure skis across a frozen sea, pursued by Russians shooting guns (resend)
My greatest problem — the dramatic conclusion
A trigonometric proof of Goldbach's Conjecture
The terror of knowing what this world is about
Force Multipliers and the Coming Anarchy
A chronicler of biodigital technopotheosis
How I decoded the human genome, revisited
ChatGPT analyzes the novels of John Sundman
Jerrycans full of gasoline in the back seat(2)
Jerrycans full of gasoline in the back seat (1)
How I destroyed the New Economy, revisited