Hi John, I had stepped away from all things Substack there for a while and had no idea this was happening.

Love to you and Betty. I hope she is on the mend.

Please fling me an email if I can help in any way. I went to the funding page and new donations are currently paused.

Wishing you the best,


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Thanks. PLease see my latest update, which I just sent out about 5 minutes ago.

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I had a minor bout with pneumonia last year and it was not pleasant.

Best wishes to you and Betty and hope for a quick recovery.

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Thank you. Thank heavens for modern medicine. We all know where I'd be if this had been 100 years ago. Almost immediately after I posted this SFIO this morning Betty called to tell me that she was going to be sent off-island by ambulance to Salem Hospital, north of Boston, where they have better facilities for dealing with cases like hers. She'll have more gunk sucked out of her lungs tomorrow, and, I'm guessing, spend the weekend there before being sent back to Martha's Vineyard for 'rehab'. This has certainly been a painful 'learning experience' so far!

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Yes, we reached our target in 3 days, thanks to 149 extraordinarily generous friends. Our mortgage is now fully paid up, and dread Dark Angel of Foreclosure passed by our house without stopping. It was far more successful than I had dared hope, and for the last week or so I have not awakened at 3 AM in a cold sweat, for the first time in a bout 5 months.

Betty is still in hospital, but doing much better. I expect her to be discharged tomorrow or Sunday, after 16 or 17 days of acute care. She's been in Salem Hospital for one week now, having been transferred from Martha's Vineyard last Friday. Including the ferry, and depending on vaguaries it's about 9 hours round trip for me to visit her. I'll be so glad to get her home.

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John, I finally got around to "give to John's gofundme" on my to-do list, but donations were closed. I hope this means you reached your target? (And that Betty is doing better?) If not please reach out.

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John, I hope your wife is improving and that you're holding up as well. Best wishes to her and your family. Spring in New England is good for lungs and the soul.

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