Wow, it’s like the serials at the Saturday matinees! Can’t wait till next week!

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Thank you. There's no point in being coy about it, I am attempting that kind of Saturday matinee cliff-hanger effect (and I'm 70 years old, I actually remember seeing such matinees at the Park Theatre, in Caldwell, NJ). If I do my job well, the tension will continue to mount in the next installment, and be resolved in the 3rd & concluding one. Readers like yourself will be the judges of how well I've succeeded.

Meanwhile I'd dearly love it if you might promote awareness of the publication, by whatever modality seems most appropriate & comfortable for you.

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Looking forward to part 2. It's interesting to re-read the account of that dinner; within a couple of years, I'd be working at Amazon, where a 10,000 node system was no big deal.....

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An engaging story with a bunch of compelling threads! I’m a fan of Hofsteder and not a fan of Dennett! So I am square in your target audience!

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