I find much to agree with this post. By the way, that "artist's depiction" is very real, that's one of the wingtip vortices present on every aircraft in flight, caused by mixing of the upper and lower surface air flow at the end of each wing. They helpfully flew a crop-duster through red smoke to make it more visible, but you can also see them when planes takes off or land on a foggy days. Those wing tip fins (called winglets) airliners have sprouted in recent years are intended to extract a bit more lift and thrust from the energy that would otherwise be lost forming those vortices at cruise speed.

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Thanks for capturing the "is everyone insane, or just me?" feeling that's been haunting me this past month.

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Excellent, and long. You could have written it as a couple or even three 1,000 word pieces.

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Thanks, and yes, I should get better at posting shorter pieces. As it is, this one was a condensed version and & didn't really know how it was going to hang together until it was virtually done, and I had already worked on it too long.

I'm still hoping to interview you real soon. Between this & that (family responsibilities, mostly) I'm running way behind. I'll ping you today or tomorrow.

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Some of us are okay with long. A site I regularly go to is Longreads.

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Cassandra didn't get to Mycenae by being an optimist, but she got there just the same.

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