The Etruscan Warrior

was a fake

so sad for who bought it

thinking it was real.

But it's bold stance

and fierce visage

were as real as the day

the original

raised it's arm

in battle

to inspire

future children

to courage and bold deeds.

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About a quarter of what I wrote in Dress Gray came from dreams, which I wrote down in notebooks in the middle of the night. I dreamed scenes that I was working on in the book, and the next day, copied them right into the manuscript.

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Thank you for the comment. A lot of my book Cheap Complex Devices also came from dreams. When I was working on my master's thesis (a complicated mathematical model of a farm) I dreamt about it all the time. Depending on the reaction I get to this essay I may revisit this topic in greater depth in a separate post.

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John, I'm interested and intrigued, so there's your first eager reader!

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