Excellent. Keep going.

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Gracias, amigo. As always, any help spreading the word, etc, etc, etc.

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If you haven't read Olivia Nuzzi's reporting on Trump, she's leaned heavily on the "Sunset Blvd." comparisons as well:


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Thanks, I'll check it out. And now, I was not aware of her reporting. I don't believe I've encountered it before.

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It was a whole theme a year or two back when Nuzzi dropped her story. Though in her case, I think it was more about Trump in exile at Mar-a-Lago than about the fading days of his first term.

I'll have to revisit it and see if that recollection is accurate. It's been a little while.

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Oh, John, thanks for reminding me of the giant woman with aircraft carrier. It's timely given a large project I've been taking notes towards for a few weeks. I'll be sure to reference this post when I am at the video making stage. Enjoyed the read as always and look forward to reading part II.

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Had family experience with sundown, but found a silver bullet in Bupropion. Whew. You hate to see someone so lost. How’s the family? Hope everyone has been free of alarms and excursions.

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