Great background, looking forward to the new one.

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Thanks for your comment, and I hope I don't disappoint. Please stay tuned for the next issue of this substack about my forthcoming, forever-in-gestation novel Creation Science. It occurs to me that maybe I should find a way to incorporate the Lower East Side Girl's Club into that book. In particular, the planetarium (of course), but also the table in the cafeteria that was somehow connected (if I remember right) with Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement.

As always, all help promoting awareness of this substack blog is much appreciated.


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Clarification: original publication date for *Creation Science* was 2010.

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Looking forward to the new book - only discovered that "Biodigital" existed earlier this week and it's next up on my Kindle.

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I recall you working your ass off for Underland. I had no idea that that was how the episode ended. ... and, it must have been you that recommended Frost in May to me. Fantastic book.

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About Underland: well it was kind of a kick in the teeth when it happened, it seemed Victoria Blake's mother was right when she said 'sometimes a door just closes,' but now I definitely look at it as a 'window opens' event. Frost in May, how you get inside a 9 year old girl's head and over the course of the book you be come a 14 year old girl. . . It's magic.

I hope you'll now read my posts on 'Albert' and 'Creation Science' and let know what you think of the project. Anyway, now that that you know what 'Mountain of Devils' is about how do you feel about it?

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How do I feel about it?

Well… I’m sitting here, bed-bound from my first knee replacement, dying to read something exciting and all I have is “The Great War and Modern Memory”.

With luck, the next knee replacement will be sometime Sept, Oct.

Jes sayin’. ;-p

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Also, glad you got that tour of Belgium in before your surgery!

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I'm your huckleberry. See you sometime before November.

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