I spent a total of over 20 years in the Clinton (NY) FD. One time the chief ordered me to take a hand line up a ladder, get on the roof, and attack the fire thru the next level window (all of the fire was on the upper floors). I did as ordered, the fire was extinguished, and the my moment arrived. I froze trying to get on the ladder to go down. My LT and mentor saw me freeze and came up to get me. It was the one time I was truly terrified, and the last time anyone sent me up a ladder.

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Thanks for your service, and I'm glad you made it out of that situation. I hope you're not disappointed with where my story goes in part three of this miniseries.

I was on in a ladder company and was generally pretty comfortable on ladders. The worst thing for me was doing the leg lock during evaluations. I'm reasonably tall, and getting my leg out after demonstrating swinging an axe with 2 hands was. . . interesting. One time I thought they were going to have to get the tower truck out to rescue me. Embarrassing.

Also, were you & I at Hamilton together, or is it just a coincidence that you're from Clinton?

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We were at Hamilton together. I then went on to live in Clinton for many years on and off over the next 30.

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Well, hello then, and thanks for subscribing. There are a lot of people named "Peter" in this world. ;^)

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